All Boondocks Episodes For

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Contents.Season 5 & 6? Any source on this? — Preceding comment added by 15:26, 30 June 2012 (UTC) STOP SUMMARIZING EVERY EPISODE Whoever is creating a seperate page for every episode of the show and then proceeding to summarize every single second of the show, cut it out.

Boondocks Full Episode

If you want episode summaries put them in the episode list and make them one or two sentences long. —Preceding comment added by 15:59, 19 May 2010 (UTC) Uh that's the point. This is Wikipedia we give all the information on the episode and the cultural references and everything. This is where spoilers come to die. There's no reason to have sepearate pages. WarrenTrenton 8/20/10 —Preceding comment added by (. ) 18:22, 20 August 2010 (UTC) Uh, no.

We provide content that can be verified in reliable sources. ( 18:24, 20 August 2010 (UTC)Uh yes and most of the summaries had the links to back it up. So they need to be put back to how they were.

The other episodes have summaries.- WarrenTrentonI was wondering why the summary for the third season for gone. The person who started this thread should learn how to sign( 00:47, 22 September 2010 (UTC))Banned Episode Without a Wiki Page I have yet to see a coherent reason why one episode, and only one ('Uncle Ruckus Reality TV Show') does not have its own page. I realize BET might not like what the episode says about their social irresponsibility, but is that a good reason not to have a page on it? It is common knowledge that McGruder thinks that BET represents the worst of black popular culture (Huey hates it, Riley loves it, the battle lines are pretty clear) and perpetuates all the stereotypes of blacks which Boondocks lampoons so brilliantly. The show is available on the DvD, and was shown in Canada.

So what is the problem? Boondocks is black social commentary, mostly on black culture, as much as comedy, and 'Uncle Ruckus Reality TV Show' is one of the sharpest examples of this show's raison d'etre. Does someone want to make a page for it? 02:42, 31 August 2008 (UTC)Uncle Ruckus Reality TV Show page Redirects & Abuse I was looking into the banned episodes and their synopses/Wiki Articles. For some reason, does not go to the Wiki page, and only redirects to the main article index for Boondocks's Episode List.I realize that this redirection is due to a lot of abuse. However, if this episode exists, shouldn't its Wiki page be created and valid?PS: I'm a total n00b to this talk page. Forgive me if I should be at the bottom.

17:41, 19 June 2008 (UTC)DirecTV The onscreen guide through my DirecTV receiver says that 'Return of the King' is next week's (15 Jan) episode. Also, it was the episode being promoted during 'The Real' for next week. 08:15, 9 January 2006 (UTC)The Real vs. The Reality ReplayTV's guide data shows the title 'The Reality'. I briefly altered the title to 'The Reality', then got curious. Further investigation: 'The Real' is given as the episode title on any online source I check, including Sony and AdultSwim website episode summaries. Edited the episode title back to The Real since Sony and AdultSwim are authority, not my lyin' eyes and ReplayTV.

16:35, 21 January 2006 (UTC)Itis I put a pick for 'The Itis' that I found. But I think there could be a better pic for the article.

Maybe the part where Riley is eating the 'Luther'- 22:28, 23 January 2006 (UTC)I can't figure out the name of this song for this episode.- 04:49, 22 February 2019 (UTC)descriptions. i think we shouldn't put the descriptions up untill after the show has aired- 06:55, 7 February 2006 (UTC). Personal opinion here, but I think that show descriptions are fine before airing, but personally wrote should be held off until at least the day after. (But really in an odd turn of events.) 05:04, 18 March 2006 (UTC). I suppose we could put up spoiler warnings if it's really neccessary, but I don't think it matters if we leave them up ahead of time. 23:58, 18 February 2006 (UTC). Descriptions should now reflect the DVD episode descriptions, as given on the back of each DVD case, I believe.MLK voice who was the voice of MLK in that episode?

- 23:36, 11 February 2006 (UTC)It got answered in the article - 16:31, 12 July 2006 (UTC) Soundtrack notation?. In Let's Nab Oprah, the three songs are from. Should it be noted?- 23:46, 17 February 2006 (UTC)-. I think each episode should have an accompanying list of the songs that have appeared in them (song title and artist name). I've changed the title of this discussion thread to 'Soundtrack notation' for this reason. The only problem I see with it is that the table is already getting a little full. Though it looks nice right now, I think it would make sense to either get rid of the table format or modify it somehow so it displays additional information more attractively.

01:04, 18 February 2006 (UTC). do enough episodes have songs in them? Off the top i think only half had actual songs as opposed to just a random beat. Am i wrong?- 06:43, 20 February 2006 (UTC). Just as an example, I know that the episode Guess Hoe's Coming to Dinner features the song Gold Digger by Kayne West. 01:44, 28 February 2006 (UTC).

I would like a tracklisting. Anyone know the track that played at the end of 'Riley Wuz Here'? Sounded like the sample used for T.R.O.Y.

21:27, 5 March 2006 (UTC). Good ear. It's - 'Today' from The Honeysuckle Breeze. In granddad's fight what was the song playing during the samurai fight dream?Added Summery of Passion of Ruckas Just wrote that off the top of my head, but I suggest someone else watch it from Friday Night Fix and make that more Wikipedia-standard.

End of Season 1 Is Passion of Ruckus the last episode if season 1? If so, does anyone know when season two begins? 04:04, 27 March 2006 (UTC)Looks like you answer has been answered in the article 02:51, 17 April 2006 (UTC)Reformating Funny how this page has the wikiproject box on the top, but doesn't use any of it's templates. This page needs to be reformatted. I just added it to the to do list.


I thought we had the page in the proper format or something similar when it was first created, but i guess someone changed it. 20:21, 10 July 2006 (UTC)I created the table using the template and put the first two episodes in it. Someone can put the others in, or I will when I have more time. 16:30, 12 July 2006 (UTC)The page doesn't need to be reformatted; using the templates is a good idea, but the tables also work decently when properly formatted. However, if you plan on reformatting the page, do so on a temporary page someplace and not on the actual article.

When you are fully done, then copy the code to this article. Leave the article looking presentable for readers who browse to it. 04:12, 13 July 2006 (UTC)How come you didn't use the template? If this is really apart of the wikiproject you have on it, then you should use the template they use. The template is also better IMO. Looks better.

14:56, 14 July 2006 (UTC)There is nothing wrong with using the template (although I personally don't find it aesthetically appealing). WHat I said was that if you're going to change the page format, you can't do it in a piecemeal way: you have to do the conversion on a temp page somewhere, and then drop the edited version here. 01:03, 15 July 2006 (UTC)Well, I just think the current format isn't aesthetically appealing. I like the template better. If anybody else participates heavily on this page, they should comment on which one is better. If not I guess we'll just leave it klike it is.And yea, doing that piecemeal style was pretty stupid.

Mistakes on my part. Dont know what I was thinknin. 13:48, 17 July 2006 (UTC) Format Am I the only one who thinks the current format is crap? The descriptions are way too long too- 15:41, 26 July 2006 (UTC)I suggest using 's format via their template, see. 06:18, 17 August 2006 (UTC) I converted the first season to use the template, but I wasn't sure how to fit in the guest star and music info, so that stuff is commented out right now.

It looks much better IMHO. 05:30, 25 August 2006 (UTC)I added the music and guest star info back in, but I'm not sure if there's a better way.

06:07, 25 August 2006 (UTC) Comprehensive? Hey,Since this series is up-and-coming, maybe we should write up articles on each individual episode?I'm happy to write up individual articles for each episode as long as someone maintains them and works on the Second seriesp.s leave a note on my talk page if your intrested- 01:24, 6 August 2006 (UTC)Date With the Health inspector?? what happend to the health inspector pic?? Could someone get aonther picture if possible?? It looks bad and kills a little off of quality.Article on Wingmen needed I happened to notice that the link to the 'Wingmen' episode actually linked to the aviation term. I tried to repair the link, but it doesn't look like there is an article for this episode. So, I am posting an FYI to you guys you like to create the episode articles.

BTW, the other episode articles look pretty good. 17:31, 10 November 2006 (UTC)Very Incoherent Summary for 'Riley in Love' The following is the summary for the episode 'Riley in Love':Thug life 8-year old Riley has to work things out a little bit before then he falls in love with a new girl at school. When he asks her out on a date, things start to take a turn for the worse.I don't know what the author is trying to say in this section, but can someone who does please edit or rewrite this?Second Season I’m placing into question some of the claims made by whoever created the table for the second season.

As far as I know, IMDB and other credible sources say that 'Return of Stinkmeaner' and 'Invasion of the Katrinians' are both confirmed titles for the second season. Episode summaries, guest star information, etc. Don't exist for these episodes yet.

I don't know where this information came from.' Riley in Love' is not listed anywhere as a title for a second-season episode except here.

I'm guessing whoever placed it here was being facetious.Accordingly, I've removed the second season episode table. We don't really need it anyway until the season actually starts. If someone can come up with a credible website listing guest stars and episode names and summaries, then maybe you should put it back up with the site listed as the source. Until then, I think there is no need for it.

In the mean time, I've left a brief overview of what we do know (i.e. The two confirmed episodes).— 13:18, 2 January 2007 (UTC)The Season 2 promo on YouTube has been taken down. 02:05, 28 September 2007 (UTC)05:45, 6 October 2007 (UTC)Answer me this.

Is there any particular reason that the table for the second season has two episodes labeled as 204? —Preceding comment added by 14:52, 27 November 2007 (UTC) January 21st Where's it been stated that the new episodes pick back up on January 21st? As far as I'm aware on the as bumps it just states that there will new Boondocks in 'January'.

I haven't found a date anywhere. 18:15, 14 January 2008 (UTC)Banned episodes Don't know why mentions of the banned episodes were removed.but they're back now. —Preceding comment added by 00:08, 17 February 2008 (UTC) I'm a bit confused as to where they fall, timeline-wise.

There is a gap from 206 to 209, presumably where they would fall, but the banned episodes are labeled 206 and 210, which correspond to different episodes that aired in the states. —Preceding comment added by 13:12, 17 March 2008 (UTC) The numbers refer to the production number, which don't necessarily refer to the episode order. Someone changed the production numbers, so the numbers are in fact wrong. We know they're wrong because Rollo Goodlove was introduced in 'The Hunger Strike' and returned for 'The S-Word.' I think the original production numbers are in a previous edit and need to be reappropriated. —Preceding comment added by 19:17, 19 March 2008 (UTC) Season 3 2009 January 29 2009 —Preceding comment added by 20:13, 21 January 2009 (UTC) The S Word The article on the episode 'The S Word' was deleted, the link now goes to an empty page. Does anyone know why it was deleted or have a link to the pre-deletion discussion?

20:08, 23 June 2010 (UTC)I was just wondering the same thing. Allegedly the episode was based on an incident in, so I would expect it to have notability. — 17:25, 2 August 2010 (UTC) individual boondocks episodes on season 3 need work whoever does these are slacking off.The plots need a lot of work, after the episode airs. 21:54, 28 June 2010 (UTC)Exactly! —Preceding comment added by 15:32, 4 August 2010 (UTC) Kentucky Fried Flu page doesn't exist could anyone put a page about Kentucky Fried Flu up?

I clicked on the episode name and it just redirects me to the main Boondocks page. 03:54, 8 August 2010 (UTC)It does exist the same as color Ruckus and there should be a page for both of them episodes like they just to be —Preceding comment added by 23:55, 9 August 2010 (UTC) Redirect fixed. 00:45, 10 August 2010 (UTC) Season 3 pages gone The pages for each of the season 3 episodes are gone.

Can someone fix this? 20:05, 29 August 2010 (UTC)Season 4: Waka Flocka where it states (and is referenced) that season 4 was confirmed by Waka Flocka Flame, is it really necessary to have every dj or talk show host in the building listed? The section should focus on the announcement of a well known artist contributing, further verifying season 4's existence. Not a plug for the radio show. Aside from the radio frequency, and the show name. The rest hold little to no relevance at all. — Preceding comment added by 11:05, 9 July 2012 (UTC)Waka Flocka didnt really 'say' he is doing a voice of (a) character(s) for the boondocks series, he said, and I quote 'its a cartoon voice over coming for cartoon network, sometihng like boondocks, I landed a voice over for that, I dont wanna name drop the name'.

Clearly 'Name drop the name' meaning he doesn't want to announce it for what ever legal reason. So I removed this infohas also said on that he will be voicing a character. No other information was released.