Drupal Change Page Title Template

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To address one of your sub-questions, namelyI am wondering if this is 'Drupal Best Practices' or if there is a smarter way?Drupal's common practice is to keep it in node.tpl.phpDrupal's practice is to split logic into files corresponding to parts of this logic, like node's logic to node.tpl.php, main html logic to html.tpl.php and so on. This way it's easier to find malfunctioning part and revert it from backup without reverting changes in totally unrelated parts.Of course you can feel free to ignore it, especially if you aren't planning to share. Yeah that's exactly the point in trying to make in the last part of my answer. You can't consider Drupal from an MVC perspective, it just doesn't work. In the Drupal paradigm, the title should be altered in the preprocess function, not the template file.

It may or may not be a presentation concern, depending on whether or not the prep ended text is business logic (eg SEO). Bottom line, Drupal 7 doesn't facilitate clean code structure very well.

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Drupal 8 is a different beast though, can't wait for that–May 18 '13 at 13:38.

Adding meta tags to drupal 8, how to do it 'drupal' way?Meta tags like keywords, description, author etc.Removing drupal own metatags like: I have added the meta tags currently just to html.html.twig file.There seems to be module which is in beta stage, but if possible, I would like to avoid using 3rd party modules for this at the moment. The Meta tags module requires you to install three modules:. Meta tags:. CTools:. Token:You will see that the Meta Tags module comes with additional modules you can enable it.Configure Meta Tags Module. Click on Configuration in the black admin menu bar.

Click on Meta tags in the Search and Metadata box on the left side of the screen.Notice there are four global settings. Click on each and observe what you get by default. Pdf crop kindle. All nodes, terms, and users will have the same configuration by default. But that doesn't have to be the case.Now add default Meta Tag.Click on Add a meta tag default.Selet Article from the Type dropdown. Enter the token node:content-type:description in the abstract field. Save When you create an Article node from now on, the description of the Article content type will appear as such:Now its time to enter the meta tag data with in the site.These are some of the basic steps you can follow to add Meta Tag in Drupal. Please follow the steps and let me know if there are any other issue you get.(Credit: ).