Isite Media Viewer

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You should be able to run it on wine (as I did).Setup Homebrew (and make sure 'brew doctor' is clean. Then run 'brew install wine' on the terminal. I also had to run 'brew install gcc' before getting wine installed (brew told me to do it), and both installations took a very long time.

After that, 'cd /Volumes/PHI-DATA' (replacing PHI-DATA with the name of your CD, thats just the name of mine) then 'wine ISITEMEDIAVIEWER.EXE' and you can run the viewer program.Have not found a way to extract the photos to a non-proprietary format like JPEG though.

ISite CD Direct: Diagnostic CD Authoring TooliSite CD Direct: Direct Media Authoring ToolThe iSite CD Direct tools allows iSite 3.2 users to create and burn thepersonalized CD's of diagnostic images and patient information. The patientimages are all lossless (unless the iSite Server received lossy images fromanother source). These iSite CD'shave a modified version of iSite Enterprise embedded on the disk. All theend-user needs to do is put the disk in their computer and it will runautomatically. User documentation and two quick-reference windows are includedon the resulting disk for the end-user's convenience.The CD Direct tool works by exporting all the necessary information to afolder of your choosing on your computer.

This export folder can be located on awritable disk (such as a zip disk), on your hard drive or on a mounted disk.To create a CD using the CD Direct authoring tool, simply drag the desiredpatient exams to the CD Manager folder in the iSite Folder List, as seen below.These exams can be dragged from any worklist, whether the Patient Directory,a system or personal filter. Exams can also be added to the CD Manager folderthrough right-click menus in the Exam Information Area and Patient HistoryTimeline of the Canvas Page.

Isite Media Viewer Windows 7

Isite Media Viewer

For more information on those menus, please click.To view the exams that you have selected for writing to direct media, clickthe CD Manager Folder. The following window will be displayed in the mainportion of the iSite screen.As seen in the window above, the upper portion of the CD Direct window showsa list of all the exams that have been selected for writing to a direct media(in this case a CD). The exam information in the upper portion includes thefollowing fields: Status, Patient Name, MRN, Exam Code, Exam Description, ExamDate/Time, Modality, Body Part, Accession Number, and Exam Size.

The examlistings can be sorted by clicking any of the column headers. Clicking the sameheading twice reversed the sort order from ascending to descending or viceversa. An exam or multiple exams can be removed from the list by highlightingthe exams and clicking the 'Delete' key. The following confirmationmessage will appear:Answer 'Yes' to proceed or 'No' to cancel the removal.Additional options are available by right-clicking a listing. The followingmenu will be displayed.If you would like to remove an exam from the export list, click'Delete'. You will see the alert shown above. Answer 'Yes'to proceed or 'No' to cancel the removal.

Centricity dicom viewer

To see the properties of theexam, click the 'Properties' option. To send this exam via DICOM to aDICOM device, click the 'Send Via DICOM' option. For more informationon sending via DICOM, please see the.The bottom portion of the CD Direct Window contains various controls andsettings for the CD writing process:Protection: If you would like to require users of the CD to enter apassword before they can view patient images or information, click the'Enable' button in the Protection area. Below, enter a password andconfirm the password in the 'Confirm Password' field. You will bealerted if these passwords don't match and you will be asked to re-enter yourpassword, as seen below.Media Size: Indicate whether the final media that you plan on usingis a CD, DVD or some other, custom size.

This setting allows iSite to indicatehow much space is left for additional exams.Summary: This area indicates how much space the selected examsrequire and how much space is available on the export destination.Export Folder: In this area, the destination folder must bespecified, either by entering the direct path in the field or by clicking the'Select' button and choosing the export folder from the explorerwindow, as seen below. Please note, if you write the path of a non-existingfolder into the field, iSite will create that folder and export the materialsthere.Status: The Status Bar displays how much of the total availablespace is used by the selected exams.

If the total available space of theexport destination is exceeded, the status bar will display in red.When you have selected all of the desired exams, click the 'Start'button to begin exporting. ISite will export the patient images and informationas well as the CD version of iSite Enterprise to the selected folder.

Isite Software


As thefiles are copied, the status of the export is displayed on the Status Bar, asseen below. To stop the export at any time, click the 'Cancel' button.When the export has finished, the exam status will change to a check-mark. The contents of the destination folder will be exactly as seen below.From the destination folder, the exported materials can be copied to any writable media.All materials placed by iSite into the destination folder must be copied to thedisk or other final destination.If thematerials are copied to a CD or DVD disk, when the disks are inserted into acomputer, the CD version of iSite Enterprise will automatically launch.