Masterpieces Of Painting: Volumes 1 & 2 -- 2 Cd-roms

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A) CONVENTIONAL BIB: For general and widely availableworks in English:,Schulman, Frank.Japan Biblography, pp. 488-553.Call no.: (EAST ASIAN) REF Z3301.S476 1989A Guide to ReferenceBooks for Japanese Studies,Revised Edition.International House of JapanLibrary, 1997, pp. 22-24.Call no.: Z3306.G84 1997gHenceforthreferred to as IHJ.Graham, Patricia J. 'EarlyModern Japanese Art History: A Bibliography of Publications, Primarily inEnglish.' EarlyModernJapan10 (2) (2002).SylvanBarnet and William Burto.

'A Reader's Guide to the Arts of Japan.' In, History of Japanese Art (Abrams,1993): 393-404.The bibliographies in surveys such asor following each entry in the are also helpful for a start. 2) OVERVIEW: PERIODICALSA) JOURNALS: For English-language art journals, seethe reviews of Artibus Asiae,Archives of Asian Art, and Orientationsin the chapter on English-language journals ( ). Additionally, articles on Japanese art often appear in general artjournals (e.g. Apollo, Art Bulletin), or more recently in Japanese or Asian studies journals. Some journals,such as the Art Journall of theCollege Art Association (CAA), occasionally devote an issue to Japanese orAsian art. Bulletins and journals of museums and other institutions (e.g.Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum ofArt) have traditionally contained articles on works or artists in thecollection.

Japanese Studies Network ForumHomepage: Useful Information Sources: Art and Culture.Sections: General Guide, Digital Images, Museums andGalleries, Architecture and Gardents, Ikebana and Bonsai, Manga and Anime,Ukiyo-e, Performing Arts, Dance, Motion Pictures, Music, Traditional Theater,Links to Other Sources. Created by:The Japan Foundation, with the cooperationof theJapanAssociation for Cultural Exchange (ACEJapan) and theU.S.- Japan Conference on Cultural andEducational Interchange (CULCON). Nihon bijutsu nenkan = Year bookof Japanese Art. Tokyo Kokuritsu Bunkazai Kenkyujo Bijutsubu, ed.

Biographical Dictionary of JapaneseArt. Tazawa, Yukata, ed. Kodansha International, 1981.825 p.Call no.: (EAST ASIAN) REF N7358.B55 1981IHJ: 0185Eight lines to two pages of basic biographical informationof artists in the fields of: painting, prints, calligraphy, photography, graphicdesign, sculpture, tea ceremony, architecture, gardens, ceramics, swords,metalwork, textiles, and lacquer. Each section (varying in length from the250 pages for painting to the four pages for graphic design) has an introductionwhich surveys the history of the genre discussing the anonymous as well asthe most important artists. One aim of the book was to include more of the'minor arts', but because these arts tend to have few known artists, it ismore in the introductions to the less popular genres rather than in the biographicalentries that one finds the most useful information. In the entries for theartists, the writing is discursive, and there is less information for thespace than Robert's, which also cover far more names. Artistic genealogiesand a glossary of mostly Japanese art terms are appended.

The bibliographyfor each artist in the back lists 2 to 4 major sources (including series).There is an index for alternate names and art-related associations.OVERALL EVALUATION: Good for general reference, butnot as basic as Roberts. B) Biographical Sources in Japanese.Araki, Tadashi. Dai Nihonshoga meika taikan. Daichi Shobo, 1934. 4vols.Call no.: REF N7358.D34 1934IHJ: 1424 Fukuda: C20This four-volume work combines a biographical listingof some 20,000 painters and calligraphers in volumes 1 and 2, reproductionsof seals and signatures in volume 3, and an indicesin volume 4. The biographical entries, organized according the number ofstrokes in the firt character of each name, are useful primarily for obscurefigures who might not appear in Roberts' Dictionaryor other works in Japanese.

The seals and signatures in volume 3 are particularlywell reproduced, with several seals and signatures given for eachartist.OVERALL EVALUATION: A standard resource for hands-onwork with paintings. B) Works in Japanese.

Ishida Hisatoyo et al.Nihon bijutsushi jiten. Heibonsha, 1987.1116 p (orig.

18,000 yen).Call no.: (EAST ASIAN) REF N7350.N53.1987IHJ: 1398A standard source for basic biographiesof artists or definitions of other art-related terminology including some2,200 signed entries ranging in size from a paragraph to a few pages.There are black and white photographs and helpful figures for most entries.At the end there is a list of national treasures, a directory to major museumsand an overview of Japanese history. The index at the end is not very helpfulwith alternate names. Though most of the entries are lifted virtually verbatimfrom the Heibonsha Daihyaka Jiten, this is a useful reference to have onyour shelf if you are seriously interested in Japanese art.OVERALL EVALUATION: Good standard Japanese first reference.MW. Sasaki, Ken'ichi.Bigaku jiten Dictionary of Aesthetics.Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai, 1995.Call no.: (EAST ASIAN) REF BH56.S27.1995Organized thematically; entriesin Japanese, with terms in European languages and a Romanized index of names.EVALUATION: In his introduction, Sasaki notes that thisbook 'began as a textbook and ended up as a dictionary'; as such, it bears his own uniqueviewpoint and 'problem consciousness' while being modular and straightforwardenough to appeal to uninitiated readers. An excellent introduction to currentthemes in aesthetics as framed by Japanese scholars,and useful as a multilingual dictionary for key terms.

8) TIMELINES.Yamasaki, Shigehisa.Chronological Table of Japanese Art. Geishinsha,1981.Call no.: (EAST ASIAN) REF N7350.Y298 1981IHJ: 0187Despite its diminutive size and total lack of illustrations,this book has the potential of being an extremely useful English-languagereference. The timeline shows developments inChina alongside those inJapan. Indices: works, repositories/collectors(including many temples), biographical dictionary. Tables: periods, reigns,geography, etc.

All with kanji. 10) SURVEY HISTORIESA) English-language.Murase, Miyeko.Bridge ofDreams: The Mary Griggs Burke Collection of Japanese Art.New York: Abrams/MMA, 2000.Call no.: (FINE ARTS) N7351M9339Much in the way that the Metropolitan Museum's Chinesecatalogues, Beyond Representationand Possessing the Past, have attainedtextbook-like status in Chinese art, this recent catalogue of the Burke Collectionis divided into periods with a good deal of supplementary writing. Each itemis accompanied by a detailed text entry complete with bibliographic references(Japanese and English). Contains mostly painting; somesculpture and other art objects (e.g. Ceramics).Glossary and index. ¢., Robert T. And Alexander Soper.The Art and Architecture ofJapan.

New York: Penguin Books,1985 (First ed. 1955).Call no.: (FINE ARTS) Reserves N7351 P1611Although major discoveries have rendered some of itscontents out of date, this standard comprehensive history of Japanese painting,sculpture, and architecture remains unmatched in its breadth and clarity.A key distinguishing feature of Paine and Soper's work is that the entiresecond half is devoted to surveying the history of secular and religiousarchitecture, far more space than any other text in the same genre, suchas Joan Stanley-Baker's more recentJapanese Art.

Instead of dividing the history of Japanese art into anartificial matrix of historical periods, 'Paine and Soper' takes a stylisticand contextual approach, treating works of the same mode or format, suchas mural paintings in castles, for example, within a single section. Thisscheme proceeds in a roughly chronological order, and gives the reader agood idea of the cultural circumstances that inspired, for instance, theelegant sculpture of imperially-sponsored temples of the Heian period. Unfortunately,it would seem that for both authors the art and architecture ofJapan ended around 1800; nineteenth andtwentieth century works are not part of their account. An extensive (34 pages)bibliography is a valuable source of pre-mid-70s references in both Japaneseand western books and articles.OVERALL EVALUATION: An excellent survey of major monumentsand developments of Japanese art. Akiyama, Terukazu.Japanese Painting. New York: Rizzoli International Pub., 1990 (First ed.

1961)Call no: (See old cards)This is the standard text on Japanese painting in Englishsynthesized by one of the great Japanese art historians. The illustrationsrepresent the canon in beautiful color showing more detail than can be seenin the originals. The text begins with Jomon figural depictions, then definesBuddhist painting which in turn is juxtaposed with the national secular paintingin the Heian and Kamakura. Next,Muromachi ink painting is discussed as a renewed Chinese influence. Momoyama-Early Edo Screen painting then leads to Edo genrepainting and Ukiyo-e and the final chapter treats other types ofEdo painting.

In the back of the book, there is a very basicchronological table, maps of Japan, a short bibliography and an index.OVERALL EVALUATION: Good for the basics. The Heibonsha Survey of JapaneseArt (30 vols.). Weatherhill and Heibonsha, 1967,etc.Call no.: (EAST ASIAN)N7350.H4 1971gCovering the history of Japanese painting, sculpture,and architecture with separate volumes on ceramics, textiles, gardens, prints,and folk arts, the Heibonsha Survey provides the most complete examinationof the arts of Japanin English to date. Originally published in Japanese, each of the thirty-onevolumes is authored by a prominent specialist in the field, and generouslyillustrated with major works in Japanese collections. A separate index volumefor the whole series replaces indices in individual volumes.

Since the HeibonshaSurvey was intended as a work for the general reader, there are no bibliographicalentries orcitations.OVERALL EVALUATION: A basic introduction to prominentJapanese scholarship on the arts of Japan, although increasingly dated. Nihon Bijutsukan=TheArt Museum ofJapan. Shogakkan, 1997.1247 pp. Japanese only.Call no.: (EAST ASIAN) REF N7350.N474.1997This is not a guide to art museums, but a survey that attempts totranscend the limitations of the survey by providing a number of unique innovationsbased on computer editing, color printing, and other technological innovations.Its mission is to look at the history of Japanese art from multiple perspectives;sociohistorical context and close visual analysis are equally emphasized,with attention to media (e.g. Textiles) and genres (e.g. Advertisements)often excluded from typcal surveys.

Well-known scholars have authored ninechapters from prehistory to postwar, all in reflection of recent scholarlytrends. Is this the 'museum without walls' that photography and computerscan create? Have a look for yourself, and revel in the new environment ofJapanese art history. ¢.

( Karaa ban) Nihon bijutsushi=The concise history of Japanese art. Bijutsu Shuppansha, 1991(fourth printing: 1992). 210 pp.Call no.: not in library. Ordernew or used.This is the modern, concise version of the above (alsoput out by Bijutsu Shuppansha), written by Tsuji Nobuo and a team of famousart historians. Aimed at amateurs and students, it contains plenty offurigana, with a short timeline and charts in the back.Indexed by creator and work. Full color illustrations.Suitable for intermediate level students of Japanese language, and soldat most museum shops.NOTE: In the same series, of the same accessibilityand price, are 'concise histories' of fields such as Buddhist sculpture,East Asian art, twentieth-century art, Japanese western-style architecture,Japanese traditional architecture, ceramics, ukiyo-e, ink painting, and soforth.

All are written by a team of authorities. Consultor your Japanese bookseller.

DescriptionISBN No. Of Volume I: 2199ISBN No. Of Volume II: 3766ISBN No. Of Volume III: 4577ISBN No. Of Volume IV: 721ISBN No. Of Volume V: 981ISBN No.

Of Volume VI: 148ISBN No. Of Volume VII: 155ISBN No. Of Volume VIII: 544ISBN No. Of Volume IX: 568ISBN No. Of Volume X: 575Voll-IAbout the bookThe Great Ones is that rare book, wherein the artistic and literary skills of the famous author-artist V.K. Subramanian are applied to an ennobling theme: the life and work of the Great Ones, who have contributed to the advancement of human civilisation and culture.The Great Ones dealt with fall into ten categories:1.

The Great Ones in Art (Painting, Sculpture & Architecture)2. The Great Ones in Literature (Poetry, Drama, Fiction, etc.)3. The Great Ones in Science4. The Great Ones in Medicine and Biology5.

The Great Ones in Exploration (Scientists and Voyageurs)6. The Great Ones in Philosophy7. The Great Ones in Public Life8. The Great Ones in Social Reform9. The Great Ones in Business (Technology, Economics & Management)10.


The Great Ones in Entertainment (Music, Movies, Theatre & Sports)This book is the first volume in a ten-volume series, each volume dealing with 100 Great Ones (ten from each category).It will be an ideal presentation to every school and college student, enabling them to learn about the great ones who have made a difference to life on this planet by their lifework, and adopt their own role-models to emulate.Voll-IIAbout the bookThe Great Ones (Vol. II)Like its predecessor volume, The Great Ones, Volume Two is the rare book, wherein the artistic and literary skills of the famous author-artist, V.K.

Subramanian, are applied to an ennobling theme: the life and work of the Great Ones who have contributed to the advancement of human civilization and culture.As in Volume One, the Great Ones dealt with fall into ten categories:1. The Great Ones in Art (Painting, Sculpture & Architecture)2. The Great Ones in Literature (Poetry, Drama & Fiction)3.

The Great Ones in Science4. The Great Ones in Medicine and Biology5.

The Great Ones in Exploration (Scientists and Voyageurs)6. The Great Ones in Philosophy7. The Great Ones in Public Life8. The Great Ones in Social Reform.9. The Great Ones in Business (Technology, Economics & Management)10. The Great Ones in Entertainment (Music, Movies, Theatre & Sports)This book is the second volume in a ten-volume series. Each volume dealing with 100 Great Ones (ten from each category).

It will be an ideal presentation to every school and college student, eager to learn about the Great Ones who have made a difference to life on this planet by their life work, and adopt rolemodels to emulate.Voll-IIIAbout the bookThe Great Ones - Vol. IIILike its predecessor volumes, one and two, The Great Ones, Volume Three continues to deal with the life and work of the Great Ones who have contributed to the advancement of human civilization and culture. As in the earlier volumes, the Great Ones dealt with fall into ten categories:1.

The Great Ones in Art (Painting, Sculpture & Architecture)2. The Great Ones in Literature (Poetry, Drama & Fiction)3.

The Great Ones in Science4. The Great Ones in Medicine and Biology5. The Great Ones in Exploration (Scientists and Voyageurs)6.

Oil painting masterpieces

The Great Ones in Philosophy7. The Great Ones in Public Life8.

The Great Ones in Social Reform9. The Great Ones in Business (Technology, Economics & Management)10. Of Volume I: 2199ISBN No.

Of Volume II: 3766ISBN No. Of Volume III: 4577ISBN No. Of Volume IV: 721ISBN No. Of Volume V: 981ISBN No. Of Volume VI: 148ISBN No. Of Volume VII: 155ISBN No. Of Volume VIII: 544ISBN No.

Of Volume IX: 568ISBN No. Of Volume X: 575Voll-IAbout the bookThe Great Ones is that rare book, wherein the artistic and literary skills of the famous author-artist V.K.

Subramanian are applied to an ennobling theme: the life and work of the Great Ones, who have contributed to the advancement of human civilisation and culture.The Great Ones dealt with fall into ten categories:1. The Great Ones in Art (Painting, Sculpture & Architecture)2. The Great Ones in Literature (Poetry, Drama, Fiction, etc.)3.

Old Masters Paintings Masterpieces

The Great Ones in Science4. The Great Ones in Medicine and Biology5. The Great Ones in Exploration (Scientists and Voyageurs)6.

The Great Ones in Philosophy7. The Great Ones in Public Life8. The Great Ones in Social Reform9. The Great Ones in Business (Technology, Economics & Management)10.

The Great Ones in Entertainment (Music, Movies, Theatre & Sports)This book is the first volume in a ten-volume series, each volume dealing with 100 Great Ones (ten from each category).It will be an ideal presentation to every school and college student, enabling them to learn about the great ones who have made a difference to life on this planet by their lifework, and adopt their own role-models to emulate.Voll-IIAbout the bookThe Great Ones (Vol. II)Like its predecessor volume, The Great Ones, Volume Two is the rare book, wherein the artistic and literary skills of the famous author-artist, V.K. Subramanian, are applied to an ennobling theme: the life and work of the Great Ones who have contributed to the advancement of human civilization and culture.As in Volume One, the Great Ones dealt with fall into ten categories:1. The Great Ones in Art (Painting, Sculpture & Architecture)2. The Great Ones in Literature (Poetry, Drama & Fiction)3. The Great Ones in Science4.

The Great Ones in Medicine and Biology5. The Great Ones in Exploration (Scientists and Voyageurs)6. The Great Ones in Philosophy7. The Great Ones in Public Life8. The Great Ones in Social Reform.9.

The Great Ones in Business (Technology, Economics & Management)10. The Great Ones in Entertainment (Music, Movies, Theatre & Sports)This book is the second volume in a ten-volume series.

Each volume dealing with 100 Great Ones (ten from each category). It will be an ideal presentation to every school and college student, eager to learn about the Great Ones who have made a difference to life on this planet by their life work, and adopt rolemodels to emulate.Voll-IIIAbout the bookThe Great Ones - Vol. IIILike its predecessor volumes, one and two, The Great Ones, Volume Three continues to deal with the life and work of the Great Ones who have contributed to the advancement of human civilization and culture. As in the earlier volumes, the Great Ones dealt with fall into ten categories:1. The Great Ones in Art (Painting, Sculpture & Architecture)2. The Great Ones in Literature (Poetry, Drama & Fiction)3. The Great Ones in Science4.

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