No Cd Patch Voor Doom3
I split and reopened this part of the thread because I feel bad for your two attempts at achieveing something legitimate and being misdirected on both accounts. I took parts of the instructions needed from the illegal method and will paste them here for you without the cd patch part making it legal.You will probably need to use emulation to get this to work but this will get you the 3 cd’s onto the 1 DVD which will be half the process.The Doom3 3-CD to 1-DVD GuideDisclaimer:Software piracy is illegal. I take no responsibility for the actons of others.If you’re old enough to read, you’re old enough to know right from wrong.If the process outlined on this page is illegal in anyway, consider it creative articulation.Good day.Overview:Having purchased Doom3, I was excited to install and play. However, upon opening the package, I found 3 CDs instead of 1 DVD.
I thought to myself, What kind of world is this?This howto is meant to show you how I was able to combine the 3 CDs that ship with Doom3 into 1 DVD.Basics:Doom3 installs via Windows Installer. The Doom 3.msi file essentially contains a database of information for Windows Installer to reference while installing Doom3.To edit an msi file, one need only download.
Orca is free tool, available by downloading the Windows Installer SDK from Microsoft’s Website.Note: Orca is also available from various websites if one were to for it. The full SDK is close to 80MB.Copy:. Create a temporary directory. Copy EVERYTHING from CD 1 to that directory.
Find the SetupDatabase directory in the temporary directory. Copy pak000.pk4 and pak001.pk4 from CD 2 to the base directory. Copy pak003.pk4 and pak004.pk4 from CD 3 to the base directory.Edit:. Open Orca and then open the Doom 3.msi file.
Select the Media Table from the column on the left. Change the LastSequence value for DiskId 1 to the Last Sequence number shown for DiskId 3. This number should be the same as the highest number shown in the Sequence column of the File Table. Change the VolumeLabel from the Media Table to something like Doom3. Delete lines 2 and 3 from the Media Table.
It should now look something like this:Burn:. Burn the contents of the temporary directory to a DVD.
Make sure the label matches that in the Media table.Best of luck to you.Please lets keep this thread clean this time. It is still in my opinion that the reduced method I posted is still very useful for many people for several reasons. Namely that it saves you install time on going through 3 different cd’s and having to take them out each time, you can put them away and preserve them. You only need to backup the play cd in order to play after an install off a DVD created disc. Thirdly, if you get this to work via emulation somehow, you are even more set not needing to backup the play disc.I hope it benefits whoever needs it.
Hemispasm:D4rk0n3 i fail to understand the meaning of your post. Have you written the above guide?
Did you link to the above guide in any other occasion? If not, i see no reason why you should have made the quoted post.If you are the one who initially wrote the guide, you will be creditted of i did not write the guide but posted one.very similar to this,requiering illegal method for working properly,which i skipped.i do not want any credit,but part 1,2,3 why not all in one thread like kprobe not kprobe 1.xx,1.2x. But part 1,2,3 why not all in one thread like kprobe not kprobe 1.xx,1.2x.There are lots of ways of doing it. Its not for me to answer, nor for you to decideThis method is quite old, so “genuine” guide i think will not be available. I think i was first, but could be wrong.
That have at least two years.I wrote that.msi modification long ago, and it is available on cdsteam from long ago in the forum section.This is one year old (two or more from TOCA 1 release). That have a lot of modifications till latest revision (Teenage mutant ninja turtles). You will need to translate into english from spanish, but it is so complete.Thanx for letting us know Morglum007. Well, thanks Hemispam.Respecting about if this is legal or not, well, i think it is legal if you own ur original ( as ever) and illegal if don’t.That way is very confortable for inserting game updates and for installation purposes.Anyway, i suggest everybody here to use your original disc for launching ( or a legitimate “RAW” copy if available)Uhh, one more thing, almost every game have a installation that can be passed into DVDs (UT2004, Far cry, Doom 3, Manhunt)That depends on game installer.
I have been “modifying” installations for a long time, but this is not a CDfreaks “issue”. Because that can be used for cracking purposes, i recommand moderators to redirect to another web sites.
That will preserve that wonderfull forum legally clear. If it can be doneyeaps, but how, well, as posted, without illegal stuff.Good luck! First off, let me just say: HAHAHAHAI thought politics were limited to government and managerial positions; I was wrong.Second, I wrote/documented/submitted this ‘howto’ on August 7th to Hard OCP. I don’t care about credit, but I do find it amusing that xtacydima managed to come up with the image straight off of my website.Third, maybe this method is ‘old,’ but that’s only because it’s the right way to do it. Bastardizing any software package’s installation process to get the job done in anyway other than modifying the main installation file (in this case the.msi file) may be clever, and fully functional, but it’s not perfect.Lastly, the fine lines of distinction between what is illegal is soooo retarded that I can’t even decide where to begin.It’s ok to combine the three CDs to one DVD, for the purpose of streamlined installation?
Because I don’t think they want you doing that.It’s ok to rip an image of the first disc, in order to emulate it and play without the disc? I think that’s copying the disc also.It’s ok to make a ‘backup’ copy of the first disc, so that one can play with the copy, and ‘preserve’ the original? Please.It’s not ok for me to show you how to replace the original executable with a no-cd patched version that will allow you to play without disc 1? Usim editor driver. That’s what both of the previous two statements are attempting to do Avoid the need to put disc 1 in the tray.I don’t even understand where this forum-based paranoia comes from.Hard OCP posted it right on his main news page he apparently wasn’t worried about it, or didn’t look at it closely enough to see that it included DIRECTIONS to install a no-cd patch.Look at my website, the file size (in bytes), of the illegal no-cd patch, is the exact size of the doom3.exe file referenced in the.msi file. I don’t see how the no-cd patch?The bottom line is that you still need the cd-key to install and play Doom3, so some retard that never bought the game, who wanted to ‘pirate’ it following my howto, would still need a key. As soon as they installed it on their computer, using someone else’s key, then they’re pirating.
But someone that bought the game, and wants to convert it to a dvd, or play it without putting in the cd, own’s the damn game.There’s no way in hell I’m going to take all the games I own with me to a LAN party just because I’m not supposed to install no-cd patches for all of them.I bought the games, I’m playing them, no one else. They’re mine.Good day! Ok, we all know and worked that we can just use a no-cd and save ourselfs alot of bother. But there are problems with no-cd’s. they are illegal.
with the new SafeDisk 3.2 the cracks often dont work due to the “trigger functions”. if a patch is made for the game often you will need a new crack. a 1:1 is allways better, and if you want to play without the cd consider a virtual drive or GameJackel for some protectionand do we want to get CDFreaks shut down due to it beoming a “WaReZ” site? I think the only legal way to put doom 3 on dvd would be to make the images of each cd and put them on the dvd.benps.
Has this thread been closed and restared 'coz it says “part 2, and now part 3”? Bcn246:. they are illegal. with the new SafeDisk 3.2 the cracks often dont work due to the “trigger functions”.
if a patch is made for the game often you will need a new crack. a 1:1 is allways better, and if you want to play without the cd consider a virtual drive or GameJackel for some protectionand do we want to get CDFreaks shut down due to it beoming a “WaReZ” site? I think the only legal way to put doom 3 on dvd would be to make the images of each cd and put them on the dvd. So is copying copyrighted media. Help!! Why won’t my flashlight stop flashing???. So?

Downloading the game update takes longer than the patch. I agree, but that’s hardly relevant.Haha, “WaReZ” site.How different is warez from piracy?Because this:looks like piracy to me.In fact, “Copy Protection Discussion,” sounds a lot like “Circumventing Copy Protection Discussion” to me. I will not even bother making comments all over what you wrote or referenced.
Modulus:First off, let me just say: HAHAHAHAI thought politics were limited to government and managerial positions; I was wrong.Hi modulus,I dont really understand what you’re getting at with this comment since i see no politics involved here, but since you are wrong as you admit i wont comment further on that.Second, I wrote/documented/submitted this ‘howto’ on August 7th to Hard OCP. I don’t care about credit, but I do find it amusing that xtacydima managed to come up with the image straight off of my website.Modulus, neither xtacydima nor anyone else here claimed credit for the guide, on the contrary it was stated in several occasions that whoever posted this guide first should be credited. It was an attempt to gather bits and parts together in order to have a whole image and help users that are in need of it. So on behalf of all the members that will benefit from this guide i thank youI don’t even understand where this forum-based paranoia comes from.Hard OCP posted it right on his main news page he apparently wasn’t worried about it, or didn’t look at it closely enough to see that it included DIRECTIONS to install a no-cd patch.What Hard OCP decides to do and its attitude towards certain subjects like this is completely up to its management and not up to me or you to comment about. The same stands for CDFreaks, there are some rules here on which the forum is based and its not up to you to decide whether they stand correct or not, neither does anyone here have the obligation to explain to you why they are such.
While signing up here to make your previous posts you read them and agreed to them, and you have the obligation to comply with them.Look at my website, the file size (in bytes), of the illegal no-cd patch, is the exact size of the doom3.exe file referenced in the.msi file. I don’t see how the no-cd patch?Again, its your website run by your rules and standards and you are the only one that will face the music. I have no place commenting on your attitude towards these mattersThe bottom line is that you still need the cd-key to install and play Doom3, so some retard that never bought the game, who wanted to ‘pirate’ it following my howto, would still need a key. As soon as they installed it on their computer, using someone else’s key, then they’re pirating.I agree completelyAny media with any copy protection scheme was made not to be copied.END OF LINEIt might be right from the protectionists’ way of view, but as xtacydima explained its not the case from the legal point of view.Anyway, as i already stated it was noones intention to claim credit for someone elses work, and this was pointed out clearly me thinks. In the case this was misunderstood for whatever reason, i am here to make it clear againI suggest you drop the offencive attitude you have exhibited here so far, as noone here had any intention of undermining your interests. It is a fun place to be and discuss protection scheme related matters withing legal boundaries, i hope you enjoy your stay here from now on.
Hmmm i dont think that modifying the.msi doom 3 install file was his idea, this was going round the interent way before it was officialy reliesed (as soon as it was first leaked), and to write the guide before the release date (i dont know if he did write it before the release date) he would have had to have got a warez copy.summing up what others have said about copying games. It is legal if the copy protections remains unchanged on the backup. It is illgal if the copy protection has been tampered with (i.e. A no-cd or “fixed” exe) or removed completely.ben. Hey I made a FULL DVD of Doom 3 and R.O.E.
It was so simple i just deleted all the directx stuff in extras and replaxed it with the ROE files and renamed the setup.exe to dxsetup.exe. But when you load the auto run it comes up with the menu install support extras quit and under extras it still says directx and i want to know how to change this to ROE thx.
Doom 3 Cd Key
Oh and the same aplyes to the 1.3 patch in the roe folder extras in directx folder delete everything inside and copy the doom3 v1.3 patch rename it to dxsetup.exe and bam in the menu under extras it will say directx but it will be the v1.3 patch for doom 3 and roe. So there EVERYTHING gets installed from 1 DVD.