Livros De Matematica Ensino Medio Para Google

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An educational product consisting of the use of the game In Search of the Nobel Prize is presented to address topics of atomistics in a public school at Fortaleza, with low-middle INSE. The game contains two environments managed by a PHP code. The study environment is open to the public from, and consists of html pages and conceptual maps on atomistics. The game environment consists of questions similar to those required in various editions of ENEM. Transition screens are associated with each question. Such screens function as the Game Master or Storyteller in RPG games, and simulate the acting of an academic advisor. This communication structure pleased everyone who participated in the project.

Livros De Matematica Ensino Medio Para Google De

Socialization activities, with workshops coordinated by the students as they progressed in the game were planned but not executed due to the coincidence of the game schedule with the realization of ENEM. To minimally evaluate this type of activity, when everyone finished the game, an event was held in which each one presented his experience during the game.

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The event was appreciated by all.Keywords: educacional game; physics teaching; science teaching; atomistics.