Mpeg-7 Xm Reference Software
The MPEG standards are an evolving set of standards for video and audio compression. MPEG 7 technology covers the most recent developments in multimedia search and retreival, designed to standardise the description of multimedia content supporting a wide range of applications including DVD, CD and HDTV.Multimedia content description, search and retrieval is a rapidly expanding research area due to the increasing amount of audiovisual (AV) data available. The wealth of practical applications available and currently under development (for example, large scale multimedia search engines and AV broadcast servers) has lead to the development of processing tools to create the description of AV material or to support the identification or retrieval of AV documents. Written by experts in the field, this book has been designed as a unique tutorial in the new MPEG 7 standard covering content creation, content distribution and content consumption. Contents of the DVDContributorsPrefaceSection I IntroductionIntroduction to MPEG-7:Mulitmedia Content Description Interface (L. Chiariglione)Content, Goals and Procedures (F. Periera and R.
Koenen)Section II SystemsSystems Architecture (O. Salembier)Description Definition Language (J. Nastradamus album. Hunter and C.
Mpeg-7 Xm Reference Software Online
Seyrat)Binary Format (J. Heuer, et al.)Section III Description SchemesOverview of Multimedia Description Schemes and Schema Tools (P. Salembier and J.
Smith)Basic Elements (T. Walker, et al.)Description of a Single Multimedia Document (A. Benitez, et al.)Navigation and Summarization (P.
Van Beek and J. Smith)Content Organizaiton (J. Benitez)User Interaction (P. Van Beek, et al.)Section IV Visual DescriptorsOverview of Visual Descriptors (B.
Manjunath and T. Sikora)Color Descriptors (J. Ohm, et al.)Texture Descriptors (Y. Choi, et al.)Shape Descriptors (M. Bober, et al.)Motion Descriptors (S.
Jeannin, et al.)Section V AudioFundamentals of Audio Descriptions (A. Lindsay, et al.)Spoken Content (J. Charlesworth and P. Garner)Sound Classification and Similarity (M. Casey)Section VI ApplicationsSearch and Browsing (N.
Mpeg-7 Xm Reference Software 2017
Day)Mobile Applications (N. Day, et al.)Index.