Saraswati Puja Aarti

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.This article contains. Without proper, you may see, misplaced vowels or missing conjuncts instead of Indic text.Saraswati (: सरस्वती,: Sarasvatī) is the of knowledge, music, art, wisdom, and learning. She is a part of the trinity ( ) of Saraswati,.

All the three forms help the trinity of, and to create, maintain, and regenerate the, respectively.The earliest known mention of Saraswati as a goddess is in the. She has remained significant as a goddess from the through modern times of Hindu traditions. Some Hindus celebrate the festival of (the fifth day of spring, and also known as Saraswati Puja and Saraswati Jayanti in so many parts of India) in her honour, and mark the day by helping young children learn how to write the letters of the alphabet on that day.

The Goddess is also revered by believers of the religion of west and central, as well as some sects. Saraswati goddess is found in temples of Southeast Asia, islands of Indonesia and Japan. In, she is known as (shown).

She is depicted with a musical instrument in Japan, and is a deity of knowledge, music, and everything that flows.In Hindu tradition, Sarasvati has retained her significance as a goddess from the Vedic age up to the present day. In of the Hindu epic, Saraswati is called the mother of the Vedas, and later as the celestial creative symphony who appeared when Brahma created the universe.

In Book 2 of Taittiriya, she is called “ the mother of eloquent speech and melodious music”. Saraswati is the active energy and power of Brahma. She is also mentioned in many minor Sanskrit publications such as of 8th century CE as follows,May the goddess of speech enable us to attain all possible eloquence,she who wears on her locks a young moon,who shines with exquisite lustre,who sits reclined on a white lotus,and from the crimson cusp of whose hands pours,radiance on the implements of writing, and books produced by her favour.– On Saraswati, Sarada TilakaSaraswati became a prominent deity in Buddhist iconography – the consort of in 1st millennium CE.

Saraswati Puja Aarti Song Hindi

In some instances such as in the Sadhanamala of Buddhist pantheon, she has been symbolically represented similar to regional Hindu iconography, but unlike the more well-known depictions of Saraswati. Symbolism and iconography. Saraswati images are depicted with symbolism.The goddess Saraswati is often depicted as a beautiful woman dressed in pure white, often seated on a white, which symbolizes light, knowledge and truth.

She not only embodies knowledge but also the experience of the highest reality. Her iconography is typically in white themes from dress to flowers to swan – the colour symbolizing Sattwa Guna or purity, discrimination for true knowledge, insight and wisdom.Her dhyana mantra describes her to be as white as the moon, clad in a white dress, bedecked in white ornaments, radiating with beauty, holding a book and a pen in her hands (the book represents knowledge).She is generally shown to have four arms, but sometimes just two. When shown with four hands, those hands symbolically mirror her husband Brahma's four heads, representing manas (mind, sense), buddhi (intellect, reasoning), citta (imagination, creativity), and ahamkāra (self consciousness, ego). Brahma represents the abstract, while she represents action and reality.The four hands hold items with symbolic meaning — a pustaka (book or script), a mālā (rosary, garland), a water pot and a musical instrument (vīnā). The book she holds symbolizes the representing the universal, divine, eternal, and true knowledge as well as all forms of learning.

A of crystals, representing the power of meditation, inner reflection, and spirituality. A pot of water represents the purifying power to separate right from wrong, the clean from the unclean, and essence from the inessential. In some texts, the pot of water is symbolism for – the drink that liberates and leads to knowledge. The most famous feature on Saraswati is a musical instrument called a, represents all creative arts and sciences, and her holding it symbolizes expressing knowledge that creates harmony.

Saraswati is also associated with anurāga, the love for and rhythm of music, which represents all emotions and feelings expressed in speech or music.A hamsa or is often shown near her feet. In, the hamsa is a sacred bird, which if offered a mixture of milk and water, is said to be able to drink the milk alone. It thus symbolizes the ability to discriminate between good and evil, essence from the outward show, and the eternal from the evanescent. Due to her association with the swan, Saraswati is also referred to as Hamsavāhini, which means “ she who has a hamsa as her vehicle”.

Saraswati Video

The swan is also a symbolism for spiritual perfection, transcendence and moksha.Sometimes a citramekhala (also called mayura, ) is shown beside the goddess. The peacock symbolizes colorful splendor, celebration of dance, and – as the devourer of snakes – the alchemical ability to transmute the serpent poison of self into the radiant plumage of enlightenment.She is usually depicted near a flowing river or another body of water, which depiction may constitute a reference to her early history as a river goddess.Saraswati becomes a riverIn some texts, it is written that once there was a terrible battle between the Bhargavas and Hehayas, and from this an all-consuming fire called Vadavagni was born which could destroy the whole world. The devas were worried and they went to.


Shiva suggested that they should go to Saraswati for help as she can become a river and immerse the Vadavagni in the ocean. All the devas and devis went to Saraswati and requested her to protect the universe. She said that she would only agree if her consort, told her to do so. Then they all went to Bramha and Bramha told Saraswati to become a river. Saraswati agreed and left Brahmaloka and arrived at sage ashram.

There she met Shiva. He gave the Vadavagni in a pot to Saraswati and told her that it originated from tree.

Tree was ready to bear Saraswati and then Saraswati merged with the tree and transformed into a river. From there she flowed towards.Saraswati continued her journey towards the ocean. At last, she reached the end of her journey and immersed the fire in the ocean.

Regional manifestations of Saraswati. Saraswati Statue in AvatarsThere are many avatars of Goddess Saraswati. And are considered as two wives of Brahma. Is also one form of Saraswati.She also takes her (Warrior avatar) as.

Saraswati is not just the goddess of knowledge and wisdom but also she is the Brahmavidya herself, the goddess of the wisdom of ultimate truth. Her Mahavidhya forms are and Tara Mahavidya she manifests:.

as she is Vagbhavashwari, the ultimate truth. as she is Vidyalakshmi, gives knowledge to seekers.

as, she protects her children from Maya, the other wife of, herself. as Parijata, she is the wish-fulfilling tree.Maha SaraswatiIn some regions of India, such as, and, as well as east Nepal, Saraswati is part of the mythology, in the trinity ( ) of,.

This is one of many different Hindu legends that attempt to explain how the Hindu trinity of gods (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) and (Saraswati, Lakshmi and Parvati) came into being. Various texts offer alternate legends for Maha Saraswati.Maha Saraswati is depicted as eight-armed and is often portrayed holding a Veena whilst sitting on a white lotus flower.Her given at the beginning of the fifth chapter of Devi Mahatmya is:Wielding in her lotus-hands the bell, trident, ploughshare, conch, pestle, discus, bow, and arrow, her lustre is like that of a moon shining in the autumn sky. She is born from the body of and is the sustaining base of the three worlds.

That Mahasaraswati I worship here who destroyed Sumbha and other asuras.Mahasaraswati is also part of another legend, the Navshaktis (not to be confused with Navdurgas), or nine forms of Shakti, namely Brahmi, Vaishnavi, Maheshwari, Kaumari, Varahi, Narsimhi, Aindri, Shivdooti, and Chamunda, revered as powerful and dangerous goddesses in eastern India. They have special significance on in these regions. All of these are seen ultimately as aspects of a single great Hindu goddess, with Maha Saraswati as one of those nine. Mahavidya Nila SaraswatiIn Tibet and parts of India, Nilasaraswati is sometimes considered as a form of. Nila Saraswati is not much a different deity from traditional Saraswati, who subsumes her knowledge and creative energy in tantric literature. Though the traditional form of Saraswati is of calm, compassionate, and peaceful one: Nila Sarasvati is the ugra (angry, violent, destructive) manifestation in one school of Hinduism, while the more common Saraswati is the saumya (calm, compassionate, productive) manifestation found in most others. In tantric literature of the former, Nilasaraswati has 100 names.

Saraswati puja in hindi

There are separate dhyana shlokas and for her worship in.She is worshipped in parts of India as an incarnate or incarnation of Goddess Tara but outside India. She is not only worshipped but also been manifested as a form of Goddess Saraswati.

Sharada avatar in Kashmir and Haryana. Sarasvati temple at in North Indian style (above), and South Indian style (below). Her temples, like her iconography, often resonate in white themes.Ancient in Pakistan’s is one of the oldest surviving temples of Saraswati.There are many temples dedicated to Saraswati around the world. Some notable temples include the in on the banks of the River, the Warangal Saraswati and Shri Saraswati Kshetramu temples in Medak,. In, one of many Saraswati/Sharada pilgrimage spots is. In district of, there is a famous Saraswati temple in North Paravur, namely.

In Tamil Nadu, hosts a. Saraswati Puja at,In, and, Goddess Saraswati is worshipped on Vasant Panchami, a Hindu festival celebrated every year on the 5th day in the Hindu calendar month of (about February). Hindus celebrate this festival in temples, homes and educational institutes alike. Saraswati Puja in North, West and Central IndiaIn and, is commonly known as. On this day, Goddess Saraswati is worshipped in schools, colleges, educational institutes as well as in institutes associated with music and dance. Cultural programmes are also organised in schools and institutes on this day. People especially students worship Goddess Saraswati also in pandals (a tent made up of colourful cloths, decorated with lights and other decorative items).

In these states, on the occasion of Saraswati Puja, Goddess Saraswati is worshipped in the form of idol, made up of soil. On Saraswati Puja, the idol is worshipped by people and is distributed among the devotees after. Prasad mainly consists of ( motichoor), pieces of carrot, peas and Indian plum (ber). On the next day or any day depending on religious condition, the idol is immersed in a pond (known as Murti Visarjan or Pratima Visarjan) after performing a Havana (immolation), with full joy and fun, playing with. After Pratima Visarjan, members involved in the organisation of puja ceremony eat together.In, and, Saraswati Puja starts with Saraswati Avahan on Maha Saptami and ends on Vijayadashami with Saraswati Udasan or Visarjan.

In 2018, the government launched and sponsored the annual National Saraswati Mahotsav in its state named after Saraswati. Saraswati Puja in South IndiaIn and, the last three days of the Navaratri festival, i.e., Ashtami, Navami, and Dashami, are celebrated as Sarasvati Puja.

Saraswathi Devi idol at home.The celebrations start with the Puja Vypu (Placing for Worship). It consists of placing the books for puja on the Ashtami day. It may be in one's own house, in the local nursery school run by traditional teachers, or in the local temple. The books will be taken out for reading, after worship, only on the morning of the third day (Vijaya Dashami). It is called Puja Eduppu (Taking from Puja).

Children are happy, since they are not expected to study on these days. On the Vijaya Dashami day, Kerala and Tamil Nadu celebrate the Ezhuthiniruthu or Initiation of Writing for the little children before they are admitted to nursery schools. This is also called Vidyarambham. The child is made to write for the first time on the rice spread in a plate with the index finger, guided by an elder of the family or by a teacher. Outside the Indian subcontinent. Main article:The concept of Saraswati migrated from India, through China to Japan, where she appears as Benzaiten (弁財天). Worship of Benzaiten arrived in Japan during the 6th through 8th centuries.

She is often depicted holding a, a traditional Japanese lute musical instrument. She is enshrined on numerous locations throughout Japan such as the Kamakura's or Nagoya's; the three biggest shrines in Japan in her honour are at the Island in Sagami Bay, the in Lake Biwa, and the Island in Seto Inland Sea.CambodiaSaraswati was honoured with invocations among Hindus of Angkorian, suggests a tenth-century and another eleventh-century inscription. She and Brahma are referred to in Cambodian epigraphy from the 7th century onwards, and she is praised by Khmer poets for being the goddess of eloquence, writing, and music. More offerings were made to her than to her husband Brahma.

She is also referred to as Vagisvari and Bharati in Yasovarman era Khmer literature. ThailandIn ancient Thai literature, Saraswati (: สุรัสวดี;: Suratsawadi) is the goddess of speech and learning, and consort of Brahma. Over time, Hindu and Buddhist concepts on deities merged in Thailand. Icons of Saraswati with other deities of India are found in old Thai. Amulets with Saraswati and a peacock are also found in Thailand.Indonesia, the last day of the, is devoted to Saraswati, goddess of learning. Although it is devoted to books, reading is not allowed. The fourth day of the year is called Pagerwesi, meaning 'iron fence'.

It commemorates a battle between good and evil.Saraswati is an important goddess in Balinese Hinduism. She shares the same attributes and iconography as Saraswati in Hindu literature of India – in both places, she is the goddess of knowledge, creative arts, wisdom, language, learning and purity. In, she is celebrated on Saraswati day, one of the main festivals for Hindus in Indonesia. The day marks the close of 210 day year in the Pawukon calendar.On Saraswati day, people make offerings in the form of flowers in temples and to sacred texts. The day after Saraswati day, is Banyu Pinaruh, a day of cleansing.

On this day, Hindus of Bali go to the sea, sacred waterfalls or river spots, offer prayers to Saraswati, and then rinse themselves in that water in the morning. Then they prepare a feast, such as the traditional bebek betutu and nasi kuning, that they share.The Saraswati Day festival has a long history in Bali. It has become more widespread in Hindu community of Indonesia in recent decades, and it is celebrated with theatre and dance performance.

TibetIn Tibet, she is known as Yang chen ma (Singing/Music Goddess), or Yang chen drolma (Singing/Music Tara) considered the consort of, Buddha of Wisdom, she is one of the 21.Saraswati is the Divine Embodiment & bestower of Enlightened Eloquence & Inspiration, patroness of the arts, sciences, music, language, literature, history, poetry & philosophy, all those engaged in creative endeavours in Tibetan Buddhism. She is considered the peaceful manifestation of (Glorious Goddess). In the Gelugpa tradition, Palden Lhamo is known as Magzor Gyalmo (the Queen who Repels Armies ) and is a wrathful emanation of Saraswati while being a protector. Saraswati was the yidam (principal personal meditational deity) of 14th century Tibetan monk. He composed a devotional poem to her. She is believed in the Tibetan tradition to have accompanied him on his travels, as well as regularly engaging in conversations with him.

See also., 'the Waters', representing and represented by Aredvi Sura Anahita. – the Old Persian goddess of wisdom. name of which derives from Old Iranian.Harahvatī (Avestan Haraxˇaitī, Old Persian Hara(h)uvati-). – the Greek goddess of wisdom and knowledge. – the Norse goddess of learning and knowledge.

– Shaktidharmic version of Saraswati., 'High Hara', the mythical mountain that is the origin of the.Harahvatī river. – the Roman goddess of wisdom and knowledge. – the Greek goddess consort of Cronos and mother of the gods and titans., a manifestation of the goddess Saraswati.Citations.