Natural Reader Text Speech Program

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We allow a license to be used on up to 2 devices. You can check your current authorized devices by going toor through the 'Account Information' button in the user menu, and then check the devices that are using the licensein the 'Device Authorization' section. You can remove an authorized device any time by clicking the 'X' button beside the device, too.If a license is used on more than 2 devices, you will get a warning upon signing into NR Software with the license,and you will need to manually remove device from the authorized list. There is a miniboard feature that you can use to read text from other applications.The miniboard is located in the user menu denoted by 'More ∨' at the upper rightcornerof the window. Click 'Miniboard' to open the miniboard. You can simply select apiece of textthat you want to read in another window (e.g. Web browsers, editors, or PDFviewers), thenclick the play button in the Miniboard to read.

Remember to activate theaccessibility permissionsfor reading the selected text from other windows.

“Natural Reader has been instrumental in helping him to excel inschool!”As a parent of a struggling Middle School student with Dyslexia,reading has alwaysbeen a challenge. We use Natural Readersoftware and the MP3 export feature almost daily to help him get through lengthy readingassignments and to help create study material he can listen to on his IPOD.

NaturalReaderhas been instrumental in helping him to excel in school! While reading to learn, he cannow focus on learning the material at hand rather than being distracted by his readingchallenges. He is now an Honor Roll student who has made tremendous progress sinceutilizingNatural Reader. We highly recommend Natural Reader for any student who has difficultieswith reading.

Just wanted to say a quick thank you for developing your natural readersoftware! Im23yr old Australian student and I have struggled with dyslexia for as long as I rememberand I am currentlyin myfinal year of a communications degree.


So you can imagine how frustrating my studieshave been! AnywayIrecently found your software online and it has made my life 5 million times better!!! Ican actually gettothe end of my readings without bursting a blood vessel due to frustration!

Natural Reader Text Speech Program

And myassignments and gradesareactually on the increase! As Computer Science and Engineering student I have to spend most of mytime in front ofthePC programming or reading slidesfull of formulas. This makes my eyes totally tired and I simply do not feel like readingafterwards. On the other hand, at the end of the day I long for diversity e.g. By agreatnovel or some motivational material. With NaturalReader I easily turn inspirational andself-improvement literature into mp3s and listen to them on the long way back home fromthe university.

This helps me keep the balance between professional and soft skills.Themultiple voices support is an amazing feature and the German language starts to soundreally nice when spoken by Sarah. I purchased Natural Reader for my daughter many years ago. The programis a great aidforchildren with language-based learningdisabilities and helped my daughter immensely in preparing the myriad writtenassignmentsthat were part of her education in her specialized school. She has now taken the programto college with her where she continues to use it. Recently I purchased a programupgradewhich I am sharing with my elderly father who has age-related macular degeneration. Heenjoys using his computer and has been struggling with low vision. Natural Reader isallowing him to listen to pages on the internet, alleviating his struggles trying toread from the computer screen with a magnifying glass.

Natural Reader Text Speech Program For Children

'Natural Reader helps me to learn and listen to texts of interestwithout havingeyestrain or eye discomfort fromreading the words.' I discovered NaturalReader after hearing that it was possible to have text from thecomputer readaloud to you.

I have Aspergers'Syndrome, which is an autistic spectrum learning difficulty. I love to gatherinformation,learn and research things on the internet, with current technology more and moreinformationis digital rather than in a book, I use NaturalReader to read aloud passages from ebooksI have bought, PDF documents, webpages with lots of text, and to read back to me thingsI have typed to 'hear them'. This helps me greatly as although I am a visual/kineticlearner, words are not pictures. NaturalReader allows me to hear all the text I wouldotherwise have had to read on the screen, allowing me to create a mental image of whatI am hearing, this helps me process and have a better retainment of information.

Natural Reader Text Speech Program For Kids

Thequality of the voices available, the ability to adjust the speed of speech is brilliant.I have three voices installed on the computer but my favourite by far is 'US - Heather',it is pleasant to listen to and is really easy to understand. Natural Reader helps meto learn and listen to texts of interest without having eyestrain or eye discomfort fromreading the words. It is also really nice to have someone read to you, it uses a lotless energy and focus. The ability to copy text from places online and create audiofilesto listen to on an MP3 player or music player is fantastic, it allows me to go anywhereand do anything instead of sitting in front of a computer screen. The feature thatallowsyou type your own text and have that read to is a great way to check accuracy or howit 'sounds'.

All in all I would have to say that NaturalReader is one of the best piecesof software I have ever bought, and stands alone in quality and value for money. I am a full-time student taking classes to earn my bachelor's degree in pre-law or asthey callit today,“Legal Studies”; I am planning to become a lawyer. I love using this softwarebecause it helpsme readnumerous cases in a matter of hours not days.This software helps me pronounce words that I cannot and it helps me avoid makinggrammaticalerrors when writing my case briefs and my essays. I enjoy the fact that I canconvertmy online textbooks into MP3’s and listen to them on my smart phone or while drivingin my car.I love this software and I do not know where I would be without it, (Oh yeah, Iwouldbe making numerous grammatical errors on my case briefs and essays). Thank you forcreatingthis incredible software, in my opinion; it is the best thing since sliced bread.

'NaturalReader has been a transformational and liberating product forme. 'As someone that suffers from a learning disability,having this product to proof my emails, presentations and contracts, has allowed me tobecome more independent and not have the burden to rely on someone to proof my work.I now create my document, and have NaturalReader read back the contents of what I wrote,thus it allows me to listen to what I actually wrote, and not what I think I wrote. Ithas given me additional confidence and generated increased capacity, as I am more securein my work products and have the ability to get work done faster. There have been a fewtimes since purchasing this product where I had to switch laptops, and for brief periodsof time where I did not have access to the product, I was completely lost without theproduct on my laptop. I really have to say thank you and I cannot express enough theimpact this product has had on my life. I am 72 year-old, a retired Animal Nutritionist and Farm Loan Adviser in theFinancial Market. 'Natural Reader software has made a great difference for my work as afreelancetranslator and editor.

'Before getting yoursoftware, I was always in trouble when trying to cross-check my translation with theoriginal work. Natural Reader allows me to listen and concentrate on the writtenmaterialand spared me the trouble of reading texts sentence by sentence, which is a very tediousand inefficient way of editing.

But now it is different. I am at ease in detecting andcorrecting inaccuracies, which will render good translation pieces that meet the bestof my clients' satisfaction.

I strongly recommend translators to use your invaluablesoftware. I heard about Natural Reader from a friend who uses it to proof read her Reports beforesending themout. Idownloaded a trial version and then almost immediately realised I had found one of themost valuabletools I had come across. I am an author, writing books as well as newspaper and websiteHoroscopes content for companies around the world and quality is essential for mybusiness.While I have a proof reader who proof reads my content, I now use Natural Reader as thefinal step in the proofing process. There is nothing like hearing what you have writtenout loud and reading it myself I tend to see or read what I expect to see, missingmistakes.With Natural Reader I not only pick up any mistakes that have been missed, it gives mea good sense of the natural flow of what I have written.


I can't recommend this highlyenough. My son is a motoring journalist and I have even converted him to Natural Reader. As a PhD student, I constantly use Natural Reader to read over my own writings, journalarticles,websites, email,and evene-books. I've been using Natural Reader Software every day for almost two months. Itis undoubtedly the most useful software I own. As a PhD student, I constantly useNaturalReader to read over my own writings, journal articles, websites, email, and evene-books.Natural Readers' voice-speed controls allow me to listen to written material muchquickerthan reading on my own, allowing me to get through more material per hour. 'NaturalReader allows me to enjoy them without being glued to thescreen or aneReader.'

Almost all of my work is online and in addition to that I run two websites. Some days myeyes justfeel exhausted. Idevour audiobooks but I'm also sent a lot of ebooks as I'm a reviewer.

NaturalReaderallowsme to enjoy them without being glued to the screen or an eReader. I can enjoy the storyand rest my eyes. I upgraded to a paid version because I was so impressed with thevoices- it's made my reading experience so much easier. If I have a deadline for a review andI've been glued to a screen all day, I can still get a break this way. I am a 77 old retired Spinning Wheel Maker, with lots of big floaters in my left eye,making readinga problem. Inow findthat by using NaturalReader I can 'Listen' to lots of ebooks, including the Thousandsof free ebooks on Gutenberg. Which I can burn to a CD as an MP3 using your brilliantsoftware.It allows you to listen while you are getting on with your gardening, walking,odd jobs, anything, one thing I forgot, The speech Quality is very good.

Thank youNaturalReaderand all your great staff. I am a Core-Self Embodiment Trainer and Counselor with a Ph.D in Humanistic Psychology.I have been using natural reader since 2007 and I would highly recommend it toanyonewho works with writing, proofreading, editing, teaching, and publishing academic andempirical research. If you write novels or other works of fiction or non-fiction,naturalreader would definitely help your craft. It would be tremendously helpful for studentsof any ages who can use a computer to express themselves and hear their writtenexpressionspoken back to them. It improves spelling, grammar, punctuation etc. Any professionalwho writes and publishes articles (research or otherwise) can benefit by employingnaturalreader. On top of all of these benefits, you can also turn all your text documents intoaudio mp3 files to play back when and where you wish.with blessings and gratitude.

Download software valve handbook by philip l. skousen pdf. 1.3 Valve Classification According to Function. Indeed grateful to those experts in the manual, check, and pJ'lIlUJ'l. That it has been certified by an approved accreditation program (ASME or other.

'A friend told me about Natural Reader about five years ago and Ibecame hooked.' A friend told me about Natural Reader about five years ago and I became hooked. I LOVENaturalReader. I help edit and sometimesco-author online courses developed by hundreds of professors.

NaturalReader has cut myediting time in half! Now when I edit, I read as NaturalReader recites to me what ison the webpages. Mistakes are easily caught. Hearing NaturalReader enables me to listenfor activities worded awkwardly so re-writes can be accomplished before publication.The reader also helps me to keep up with all the educational articles that are forwardedto me by colleagues. When will the NaturalReader IPAD app be coming out?

Normally it is not my way to spend my time to support any commercial product. But withNaturalReaderI am so satisfied thatI will do it for this Software. Organizing Rallye Events in Africa there is very lesstime each day. Normally no possibility to make actual Videos of the day. WithNaturalReaderit is possible.

The software can be used very fast for comments on Videos. I save a lotof time and the result. Most people don’t record nice that this is a computer voice.With natural reader it is great fun to cut videos. Natural reader has an amazing natural speaking quality. It is not just that the voiceis not robotic: There are no disturbing clic and pop artifacts and intonation issuch, that it is difficult to tell it is not a human speaking.

Listening this speechis pleasant and relaxing. I don't even need to make any modification into thewrittentext that in input to Natural Reader to get this astonishing quality.I convert my eBooks to MP3 (using Natural Reader) and then listen at night, when Iclosemy eyes. Or whenever I can free my attention, but not my hands and my eyes.I have the English and French voice modules and have tested Spanish. I've foundexcellentvoices from the large supplementary choice provided for each language. GerardoMurilloTechnical Consultant, Valbonne, France.

With NaturalReader, I can now get through much of the material I had trouble findingtime getting around to reading.My work requires that I go through many technical papers and books every week. Aftera full-day in front of a screen, my eyes get very tired. With NaturalReader, I cannow get through much of the material I had trouble finding time getting around toreading. NaturalReader is having a significant impact on my professional readiness,and even reduces stress as I feel I'm being productive listening to books whilesittingin traffic during my daily commute!'