One Piece Greek Sub

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Στον κόσμο του One Piece έχετε την ευκαιρία να γνωρίσετε πολλούς πειρατές. Ο πρωταγωνιστής της σειράς είναι ο Luffy, ένας θαρραλέος 17χρονος που έχει βάλει στόχο στη ζωή του να βρει το μεγάλο θησαυρό “One Piece” και να γίνει Βασιλιάς των Πειρατών. Η ιστορία ξεκινά με την εκτέλεση του Gold Roger, του πρώην Βασιλιά των Πειρατών, ο οποίος προτρέπει τους πάντες να ψάξουν για το θησαυρό του.

One Piece Greek Sub

22 χρόνια μετά το θάνατο του Roger, ακολουθούμε τον Luffy και το πλήρωμά του, καθώς σαλπάρουν για τη Grand Line κυνηγώντας ο καθένας τα όνειρά του. Pc software games.

Contents AppearanceAs a harpy, she had white feathered wings instead of arms that fade to light green at the edges, talons instead of feet, and a tail. She had the build of an average human, but her long legs made her somewhat taller than average. She had long, wavy, light green hair and brown eyes. In the anime, her eyes are amber.

She was also considered very attractive as several Marines commented on her appearance.She wore a green cropped tank top with 'HAPPY' written in dark green on the chest and yellow cut-off pants with orange stripes. She had a strapped to her belt.She was usually seen wearing glasses while reading, implying she was farsighted.

One Piece Greek Subs Oi Liomenoi

PersonalityMonet appeared to have a very flippant personality, choosing to only inform about the disaster unfolding on, after finding out that the intruders were the. Despite all of the uproar, she maintained the thrilled smile on her face, implying she found it amusing.Monet was also shown examples of being quite diligent, like how she explained to Caesar how the Straw Hat Pirates' real strength might be above their current bounties, being unsurprised by Luffy breaking through her barrier noting an ordinary pirate could not do so, recognizing that she couldn't defeat in battle, knowing how to delay him effectively, she also did not believe that she could beat in a sword fight and instead tried to aim for the weaker targets:,. Zoro commented on this, stating it was pitiful she attacked people who could not even defend themselves, due to their lack of.Monet blushing when the G-5 compliment her.Monet was also a very calm and level-headed individual, as she rarely got surprised or angry in regards to either situation and always maintained a relaxed demeanor even in the heat of battle.

Also, unlike Caesar, she was a much more skillful liar, such as all the children believing her about Caesar's treatments on them to cure illnesses. Despite knowing of Caesar's cruel treatment towards the children and his own underlings, Monet continued to follow him without hesitation (likely due to her mission to watch over him from Doflamingo's order).She could also be rather flirtatious, such as flirting with when he returned to the lab and even thinking about a date when he said he needed her. When commented on her looks and being told of her beauty, she bashfully blushed despite the serious situation.

She also tried to cover herself with her wings and her knees buckled as well, suggesting she was rather shy to compliments.Monet has been shown to be rather sadistic, seemingly enjoyed the suffering of others such as chuckling at Law's pain from encountering. She, like Caesar, gave the children the terrible drug, with a smile, showing that she was just as ruthless as her master while even knowing of how they will die within five years yet she showed no concern whatsoever. When was in danger and being chased by the drug enhanced children, Monet showed no concern and even derided her situation when her life was on the line. She expressed no remorse for what was happening to either Mocha or the berserk children, and even mockingly stated that she and Caesar had raised them, giving them a carefree life, despite using them as test subjects.