Shahnama E Islam Pdf

. Zoroastrian Heritage Author: K. EduljeeContents ShahnamehEnglish TranslationKey:W = Warner & WarnerA = James AtkinsonZ = Helen ZimmermanThe EpicThe Poet Ferdowsi TusiThe Shahnameh, Book of Kings, is an epic composed by the Iranian poet Hakim Abul-Qasim Mansur (later known as Ferdowsi Tusi), and completed around 1010 CE.Ferdowsi means 'from paradise', and is derived from the name Ferdous (cf.
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Great Mongol Shahnama
Avestan pairi-daeza, later para-diz then par-des or par-dos, arabized to fer-dos). Tusi means 'from Tus'.