Adobe Reader Mac Os X Uninstall Package

Installation scenariosThe Acrobat installer for Apple platforms can leverage either the command-line (CLI) or graphical (GUI) interfaces provided by the Apple installer. Support for Apple’s installer format and conventions allow customers install the product to managed systems via their preferred methods, including:.

CLI: Supports any custom installation solutions required in the enterprise. Acrobat products support the Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) which provides built-in support for pushing Apple installer packages to groups of machines. For ARD details, see. GUI: User interface installations manage the install on a per user basis. These are seldom used in enterprise settings.
Versioning VersionRangeNotesmajor1-255The last two digits of the release year.minor1-255An internal number indicating when code moves from Trunk to Beta.minorminor1-65535The first two digits indicate the track. 20 = Continuous. 30 = Classic.Hidden 4th fieldChangelist numberOnly visible if user clicks on the version number in the About box. The year-based version number is not the same as the Classic track name. While the Classic track versions begins with 15 or 17 and the current track version is 2015 2017, the track name only changes at each major release–not every year. The version number increments every year. Two tracksThe Acrobat DC product family provides two tracks for both Acrobat and Reader:.
The Continuous track provides service-based tools as well as new features, security and platform enhancements, and bug fixes as part of frequent (and most often) silent updates. Over time, the Continuous track’s update cadence will be more frequent than the Classic track.
Classic license program customers do not have access to this track for Acrobat. The Classic track is similar to the 11.x model and provides few (if any) new features in updates.
Free services are available, but optional. Like previous releases, a quarterly update cadence delivers security and platform enhancements as well as bug fixes. For the Continuous track, all services are visible and functional. Note that some features, such as Create PDF and Export PDF, are part of the desktop offering and don’t use a DC service. For the Classic track, paid for service-based tools are unavailable. Features such as Export PDF are part of the desktop product and don’t require a service to function. For GUI installations, a prompt informs the user that the product already exists and asks whether the installation should proceed.
Adobe Reader Mac Os X Uninstall Package 2017
If YES, the is moved to Trash and the new Reader is installed. If NO, then the existing Reader is not touched and the installer returns with an error. For CLI installations, then the installer silently moves to Trash and installs the newer one without further input.
The old application is moved to Trash so that if installation fails then the user can restore old application.Installing over the same base version: If the existing application has the same base version as the new one, then both GUI and CLI installations proceed as normal upgrades.Installing over a new version: If the existing application has a higher version than the installing one, then the installation fails. NoteAcrobat ships with font packs and a spelling dictionary. Reader requires a separate download. Adobe provides both Asian and Extended Language font packs as well as a spelling dictionary here:To enable the application to render non-default fonts do the following (this example uses the Japanese font pack):. Install the application.
Download the requisite font pack installers. For example, the Japanese package identifier is com.adobe.Reader.fontpack.10.jaJP.pkg. Run the installer via the GUI or command line.
NoteThe Application check box that allows selection of specific components does not appear in 10.5 due to an Apple bug. Acrobat distribution file ComponentDescriptionacropreinstallRequired: Validates if the installation should proceed or not.aamRequired: Installs Adobe’s licensing module in the Users//Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE folder.coreappRequired: Installs and The default location is /Applications/Adobe Acrobat (version) Pro/.appsupportRequired: Installs various support files in the Users//Library/Application Support/Adobe/ folder.prefsRequired: Installs files in the Users//Library/Preferences area.Reader distribution file ComponentDescriptioncoreappRequired: Installs and The default location is /Applications/Adobe Acrobat (version) Acrobat and /Applications/Adobe Reader.appappsupportRequired: Installs various support files in the Users//Library/Application Support/Adobe/ folder. Install locationCustomize the install location by choosing a custom location during a GUI install or by modifying the installer package manually. The Updater normally determines the application location on its own. If for some reason that search fails, the Updater looks at the AppPath preferences described below.
Adobe Reader Os X
When the Updater is disabled and/or non-default install locations are needed, set the AppPath preferences as follows:. Navigate (or create) to Users//Library/Application Support/Adobe//(version)/.
For example, the Acrobat (version) path would be Users//Library/Application Support/Adobe/Acrobat/(version)/. Create a file called com.adobe.InstallerOverrides.plist if it doesn’t exist. Add a key called ReaderAppPath or AcrobatAppPath. NoteStandalone installers consume only the ReaderAppPath.
Updates and patches consume both ReaderAppPath and AcrobatAppPath. Set the key value to the application’s path. For example, for Reader it could be /Applications/MyCustomFolder/Adobe (note the missing trailing /).Location determination for Acrobat and Reader. Updater workflow: When invoked by Help Check for Updates, the Updater checks its own files for an ID, version, and the application’s absolute path. Installer workflow: The Updater is typically not used in enterprise settings so that IT can manage what versions are installed. When updates are invoked by using the installer command from the command line the installer looks for InstallerOverrides.plist to see if it exists (see above):If the file is absent. NoteEvery choiceIdentifier maps to one of the choices in the installer.
The installer choices for Acrobat products are listed in the distribution file tables above.Controlling what’s installedThe choices XML file is an array of choiceIdentifiers that toggles the installer to behave the opposite of its default. For example, since everything is installed by default, including any component de-selects that component for install. For example, to avoid installing the optional Acrobat components, include the two optional components browserplugin and printerworkflow and set their selected attribute to 0. Apple Remote DesktopAdministrators can remotely deploy Acrobat/Reader to multiple Macintosh systems running Mac OS 10.5 or later (10.x) and 10.6 or later across their network. Using Apple Remote Desktop 3 (commonly referred to as ARD), an administrator can install Acrobat/Reader automatically, without user intervention, to one or more remote computers. ARD copies the package to the computers selected for installation, runs the installer with no visible window or user interaction required, and then erases the installer files on completion.The Acrobat Macintosh installer will perform initialization work such as the Adobe Application Manager installation as well as components needed for the serialization of the application. While serialization happens at launch time by default, enterprises can preserialize with APTEE (Adobe provisioning tool enterprise edition) or the.The locale of the launched installation depends upon the current locale set on the user’s machine.
The Installer application picks up strings from within our installation package in the order of locales specified in the system locale preference panel. Installing with Remote DesktopThese instructions provide only an overview. Deploy the Adobe Provisioning Tool10.x and later.The APT is only for Acrobat deployments and does not work with Reader.

Sudo '/'. Run the command as the user “root.”.
Choose Send.Acrobat provisioning tool commands FeatureCommandConfigure enterprise licensing-C -a 'Users//Library/Application Support/Adobe/Acrobat DC AMT/AMT' -s Suppress the end user license agreement (EULA)-S -a 'Users//Library/Application Support/Adobe/Acrobat DC AMT/AMT'Suppress the Adobe ID (registration) dialog-R -a 'Users//Library/Application Support/Adobe/Acrobat DC AMT/AMT'.