Community Builder Joomla 1.5

CBJUICE2 is a complete rewrite of the original concept. The new version includes delete by CSV and other useful features. This new version makes substantial use of the excellent CB API. CBJUICE2 supports only Joomla 1.5 and 1.6 and 1.7-3+. It’s use in 1.6 REQUIRES the stable version of Joomla 1.6 and CB Version 1.4 or later. Joomla 1.7/3+ requires CB 1.7 or later. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO use earlier versions of 1.6 or CB in combination because of changes in the ACL.
We have tested the component as thoroughly as possible but NO warranty is offered. The newest version supports multiple usertypes in 1.7 and also limits the fields in the save function.Please note, the support forum and the latest version are always on joomlacode atuse the correct version for your respective version of Joomla.READ THE DOCUMENTATION IN THE PDF associated with the release. Owner's reply:You are trying to use the package for use that it was not intended to fulfill. If you are doing a migration of a site, it is much better to move tables with migration tools that link packages and associated tables. That is mysql work. If you are not sure how to do that, try to find a firm to support you.

I don't= cbjuice is a hobby).CBJuice does not modify the userid because there is no guarantee that it will be the same if you are moving users between sites via an add. I can consider a user-beware option to userthe userid on an ADD only. It could lead to significant corruption. Put this kind of comment in the help forum and we will see what other users suggest.
Github wix er code. This extension just saved me (and therefore, my client) a whole bunch of time. I was trying to figure out how I was going to pre-populate their user and CB tables with their existing data.
Community Builder Joomla 1.5 Free

I figured I'd have to write several queries and push data all over to get it to work.That's when I found CBJuice. It did ALL of the work for me, and did it absolutely perfectly. All I had to do was name my fields in my TXT import file to match the user/CB field names and CBJuice did the rest. Perfectly imported and set up all of my custom CB data!Not only that, but it allowed me to define a custom email to automatically be sent to each user imported, letting them know exactly what was done.
This was perfect, as it allowed me to give the users specific instructions pertaining to my client's wishes.A very BIG thank you to the developers of CBJuice!!!