Boba Fett Gauntlet Templates

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The carbon fiber looked very nice but what was the point if I was just going to paint it. I then tried cardboard and tossed that idea out the window do to it being fragile. I was really in a pickle how do I make a sturdy armor for boba fett with literally no shop to work in and very limited tools? The wife suggested aluminium I told her that would be awesome but how in the heck can I do it with no tools in a small garage. She asked me doesn't that place Harbor Freights sell tools? And so begins my story.Material1/4' Aluminum Plate Main armor1/8' Aluminum plate for other details.

  1. Stormtrooper Armor Template
  2. Boba Fett Gauntlet Templates For Sale

Well one thing I learned during this process 'If you bang on it long enough you can get it to look exactly like the original' so I started out on the obvious pieces. I mean if I can make the chest pieces and the front what was the point of doing all of this. Little did I know this would lead me down a dark road of aluminum crafting.Ok so where do I begin?? My first hurdle was how do I beat on a flat piece of aluminum and only mark one side because I don't want a bunch of hammer marks showing in the outside. After trying an anvil, the concrete and a few other things I discovered a way to accomplish this.

By using two wooden 2X4 I could work the aluminum with out damaging the outer side. Here is a diagram of the process I used.

So i'm calling BS on those plates in the picture above surly you cannot just cut them out with a cutoff wheel and then hammer them and the come out all beautiful. Well you would be right I did forget to mention one important step. Finishing the plates with a sanding wheel for the grinder.


You will need to take all the sharp edges off and get rid of any marks you may have left on the outer side of the armor. So lets take a look at a short video explaining how to sand the cut and hammered pieces. You should probably clamp the aluminum piece to a table and use two hands on the grinder. We need Gauntlets. So this is where things get really complicated how do I create gauntlets with my limited knowledge of brazing and metal working. Is it even possible? I was about to find out.


Stormtrooper Armor Template

One of the biggest issues I had was because there where so many pieces of aluminum that needed to be brazed together some previous parts that where brazed would become un-brazed due to the proximity of the next piece. The flame was simply to big and heated up to large of an area. To combat this I used wet newspaper around places that had previously been brazed.

Boba Fett Gauntlet Templates For Sale

I know the lower tube needed to be removed and the inner tube needed to be flush I fixed them in later pictures.